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President's Services

Music Room Irchel

Winterthurerstrasse 190


The music room will be closed from August 5 to September 5, 2024 due to renovation work.

Room: Y15 F 15

terms of use music room Irchel (PDF, 370 KB)

Reservation music room Irchel

Opening hours of university buildings
Opening hours of university buildings on holidays

Music can be enjoyed in many ways at the university, be it as a member of a choir or orchestra, through individual practice in a music room or as audience at a concert.

Have a look at what's on offer:

Akademische Orchester Zürich

Akademischer Chor Zürich


Universitätsorchester Polyphonia Zürich

Alumni Sinfonieorchester Zürich

Big Band der ETH und Universität

Polyband der ETH und UZH

Kammervereinigung der Zürcher Hochschulen

Zürcher Singstudenten

Camerata Academica Zürich

colla voce


Weiterführende Informationen


Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zürich

Phone: 044 634 23 07