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President's Services

Email Dispatch

Members of UZH, ETH as well as accredited organizations can request to send mass mails with information about studies, events or similar matters.
The e-mail addresses remain in the care of Central IT at all times.

Application form (German)

Please be sure to observe the
Data protection requirements for the dispatch of mass emails (PDF, 79 KB) (German)
in particular the requirements for surveys.

Further opportunities for publications:  MarktplatzUZH Alumni.

Please note

  • Please write the mail as short as possible! (Detailed information can be published, for example, via a link on a website).
  • The mail text must be provided with salutation and signature (sender address)
  • Design: is possible on the basis of html-options in the application-tool
  • Attachment: only possible as pdf, 1 attachment is possible. The email will include a link, not the pdf itself. 
  • Links: URL links are possible, now also a hyperlink. 
  • Language: We recommend including both an English and German version of the text.
  • Number of dispatches: generally one per semester.
  • Reminder Emails: will not be sent.
  • Processing time: 3 to 5 business days unless otherwise notified.



No fees (not an exhaustive list)

  • Dispatch of information essential to students
  • Dispatch of essential information by student associations
  • Dispatch of information from recognized student organizations regarding university club activities (no parties)
  • Announcement of non-commercial events

Basic fee of CHF 50.- plus CHF 0.05/address plus tax (not an exhaustive list)

  • Dispatch by recognized student organizations unrelated to university club activities
  • Surveys
  • Call for test persons (only UZH-internal or direct reference to UZH necessary)

Basic fee CHF 200.- plus CHF 0.05/address plus tax (not an exhaustive list)

  • Dispatch by external providers, provided they can show UZH patronage
  • Courses with fees

Weiterführende Informationen


Roland Hasler
Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zürich
KOL E 14


Phone 044 634 22 61

Email through career services

Please contact Career Services for the following topics:

- Job postings

- Employer presentations

- Startup & Entrepreneur area

- Career and Career Event